Let's Connect Virtual Coffee Hour (via Zoom)

I'm inviting you to join me and others from our spiritual community in connecting with one another on Sundays after our live-streamed 11:11am worship service. Bring your coffee and let's catch up with one another. I'm missing you.
Join the coffee hour on your computer by clicking this link:
or by calling the San Jose number below
Meeting ID: 820 3869 8497
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,82038698497# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,82038698497# US (Houston)
February 26th, 2023 12:05 PM through  1:05 PM
Phone: 510-483-2132

Help spread the word

Please help us and let your friends, colleagues and followers know about our page: Let's Connect Virtual Coffee Hour (via Zoom)

You can also share the below link in an email or on your website.