Our vision statement is Unity Church of San Leandro is a radiating center of Divine Love expressing dynamically in the community. In support of this vision, we are committed to reaching out in prayer, comfort and support to our spiritual community.
Our Prayer Ministry Team supports you in prayer as well as our Unity Chaplains. Prayer Ministry Team members hold our spiritual community and all prayer requests in prayer on a regular basis. Prayer Ministry Team orientations are held periodically throughout the year if you feel called to serve in prayer (this is a minimal time commitment).
If you’d like prayer support, you may:
- place a request in the prayer box whenever you are in our sanctuary
- call us at (510) 483-2132
- complete an online prayer request
- or email us at unitysanleandro@sbcglobal.net
In addition, our Chaplaincy Team serves the needs of our congregation and Chaplains are available to pray with anyone who wants prayer following our Sunday morning service. Our Chaplains are trained and are committed to spiritual growth and Truth principles.