4T Prosperity via Zoom

Stretton Smith's 4T Prosperity Program - With the 4T Prosperity Program when you change your mind you change your life! Join Rev. Diana McDaniel for this powerful 12-week course in raising your prosperity consciousness. Mondays| Sept 12, 2022- Nov. 28th| 6-8 PM
Are you as prosperous as you'd care to be? As prosperous as you'd dare to be? If you've taken this class before, it's time to do it again and if it's new to you, it is a transformational program. "Students have told me that they've learned to pray, made new friends, and learned basic Unity and more", says Rev. Diana McDaniel.
It enables people to change their consciousness and experience a deeper spiritual awareness, loving relationships, financial security, job satisfaction, creative ideas, improved self-esteem, and better physical health. Each student realizes a shift in perspective when he/she realizes there is plenty of time, talent and treasure to give and receive. And this newly found awareness creates a sense of trust that they have the ability to manifest all they long for.
4T stands for Tithing of Time, Talent and Treasure. This course offers proven results and a powerful support system, which enables people to open their minds to prosperity. Visit 4tprosperity.com for more info.
NOTE: Due to the 4T Prosperity Program dynamic, this course closes after the second session—so be sure to pre-register so we can have enough materials on hand!
Pre-registration is required by emailing unitysanleandro@gmail.com with your name, email address and phone number and saying you plan to take the class
$55 materials cost - CDs and workbook
Remember this affirmative prayer: I am in stride with the progressive movement of life. The mark of success is upon me.
November 21st, 2022 6:00 PM through  8:00 PM
Phone: 510-483-2132

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